
Chester Courant 17th May 1794

Parishes contracted with those who were willing to make use of pauper labour. The contractor received a sum agreed upon. He fed, clothed, and housed the paupers, and took the profit of their labour

It would appear that the workhouse could be a dangerous place – for staff !                     – as this 1897 newspaper report describes

madman in workhouse

A sad end for one of the inmates (Shrewsbury Chronicle Friday July 28th 1797)


The July 1813 edition of the Monthly Magazine & British Register contained the following snippet

Monthly Magazine & British Register vol 35 - Copy

It would appear that the House of Industry had a horse stolen in 1819. It was taken to Nottinghamshire and offered for sale at East Retford Fair. A number of people from Whitchurch attended the court case, reported below, in Nottingham.

Nine years later this advert appeared in a local newspaper

whitchurch poor

And again four years later, this time clothing is included in the contract

workhouse clothes


Examples and descriptions of the clothing worn by the inmates can be seen on this informative workhouse website created by Peter Higginbotham